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12/21/2009 updated
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12 | 21 | 09 |
Last Friday the last practice of SPP Project was held. Grad school students gave lectures on principles of photovoltaics to high school students. We will be very glad that this is a good opportunity for them to know a research in a university and to be interested in science and technology.
12 | 12 | 09 |
Yesterday, students of Johnan High School experienced experimental evaluations of photovoltaics. We are grad that they can feel an atmosphere of an university laboratory.
In the evening, our laboratory held a year-end dinner near the campus. We could have a nice time together having beers and hot dishes.
12 | 01 | 09 |
Autumnal colors of leaves are at their best. Our campus might be the best spot of autumn tints in surrounding areas. |
11 | 24 | 09 |
We attended an annual conference of Kyushu Chapter, the Japan Society of Applied Physics (Kurokami Campus of Kumamoto University, December 22-23). Almost all students had oral presentations, and Yoshitake had a lecture in a seminar. The students could have worthwhile experiences in the presentations including the preparations and hearing presentation. To our happiness, Mr. Ohmagari (M2) and Mr. Hirakawa (M1) received presentation awards.
The 11th Cross Straits Symposium on Materials, Energy and Environmental Sciences among Pusan National University (PNU), Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) and our graduate school were held in PNU. From our group, Mr. Kawai(M2) and Mr. Sakai(M2) attended it. They enjoyed Korean delicious dishes in addition to the presentations.
10 | 31 | 09 |
Last evening we opened a welcome party for Mr. Promros, who came from Thailand, and Mr. Chen, who came from China, at Asahi Beer Garden located in Hakata. We could spend a joyful time drinking fresh beers.
10 | 28 | 09 | Mr. Ohmagari, who was going to enter a doctoral course next year, was selected as Research Fellowships for Young Scientists of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). We were very glad and celebrated him. We felt that his efforts were rewarded. |
10 | 16 | 09 |
Today, students of Johnan High School actually experienced an fabrication process of solar cells. Next time they will evaluate the photovoltaic properties of them.This practical training is a part of SPP Project.
10 | 14 | 09 |
Prof. K. Takarabe of Okayama University of Science gave seminars on semiconductor physics under high pressures for two days. In the last lecture, recent results on his C3N4 research including the back ground were introduced. We could learn a lot in his seminars.
10 | 10 | 09 |
Last week and this week, we visited SAGA-LS and made measurements of XRD, NEXAFS and XPS on boron- and nitrogen-doped ultrananocrystalline diamond/amoprphous carbon films and cubic AlN films. From this, we will take much time to analyze the data.
10 | 05 | 09 |
Two new students, Mr. Promros, who is a lecture of King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang in Thailand, entered a doctoral course, and Mr. Chen, who graduated from Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (CQUPT) in China this year, entered our laboratory as a research student.
09 | 26 | 09 |
Yesterday a commencement ceremony was held. Dr. Shaban officially received Ph.D from Kyushu University. He is the first foreign student that received Ph. D from my laboratory. He actively progressed a research and wrote many papers (JJAP: 4,APL: 2) as a first author. Last evening our laboratory had a dry party and cerebrated him. He is going to go back to Egypt next week. So the party combined a farewell one. We remembered many things. All the things made us warm-hearted. In the near future, we will have an opportunity to meet again in Egypt, Japan or some international conference.
09 | 15 | 09 |
Yesterday a couple of iron silicide groups menbers, Mr. Sakai (M2), Mr. Kawai (M2), Mr. Izumi (M1), Mr. Hirakawa (M1), and Yoshitake went to to Semiconductor Center located in Kitakyushu Science and Research Park to conduct an experiment. We are very glad to initiate the next-step research. Everything in the experiment is new for us!
09 | 14 | 09 | Mr. Hanada (D1), Mr. Ohmagari (M2), Mr. Sausan (M1), and Mr. Suzuki (M1) attended 20th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, and Nitrides held in Athens on September 6-10, 2009. In addition to them, Dr. Sumitani who is a coauthor and belongs to SAGA-LS also attended together. They could learn a lot from listening lectures and having their presentations and discussions. This must be a good experience for them. |
09 | 01 | 09 |
Mr. Yoshida and Yoshitake attended International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING OF ADVANCED MATERIALS -Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications-(August 25-29, 2009, MARITIM Hotel Berlin, Germany), and had oral and poster presentations. We could have valuable discussions, and enjoy the conference and Berlin. |
08 | 19 | 09 |
Yesterday all members of an iron disilicide group visited Semiconductor Center located in Kitakyushu Science and Research Park to have a meeting on a research. We could received valuable advices from researchers belonging to the Center, and we had a prospect of our future researches. We will be willing to come in order to do experiments although it takes an hour and a half from our campus. We had a good feeling toward new, beautiful, and comfortable Hibikino campus.
08 | 17 | 09 |
Last Friday, a public hearing for Mr. Shaban's doctor theses was held, and he gave an excellent presentation on his doctoral course research carried out from 2006. After the hearing, our laboratory opened a tea party to show appreciation of his effort. Mr. Nomoto, who progresses the research in his master's course student together with Mr. Shaban and graduated last spring, came and celebrated Mr. Shaban. Mr. Nomoto introduced his fiancé to us.
08 | 07 | 09 |
Yesterday our laboratory held a barbeque party in our campus. Mr. Promros, who is going to enter a doctoral course from October, and Mr. Nakagawa, who graduated from our laboratory last spring, additionally joined. We could have a nice time drinking, eating and talking!
08 | 02 | 09 |
12th Summer School of the Semiconducting Silicides and Related Materials Division of the Japan Society of Applied Physics was held at Daikanso, which is a long-established hotel in Chikushinoshi and is located near the campus, on August 1-2. From our lab, Mr. Hirakawa (M1), Izumi (M1), Kawai (M2), Sakai (M2), and Shaban (D3) attended. Prof. Miyoshi has a invited presentation, and Mr. Izumi, Kawai, and Shaban had poster presentations.
06 | 26 | 09 |
Last Tuesday and Wednesday NEXAFS and XPS measurements were conducted for UNCD films in Saga--LS (BL12). From this Diamond group members will be very busy for the attendance at 20th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, and Nitrides, held in Athens on 6-10 of September.
06 | 17 | 09 |
We introduced our research on ultrananocrystalline diamond films in Fukuoka Nanotech Now 2009 held in Kitakyushu on June 11-13. Diamond-group members (4 persons) cooperatively prepared panels and exhibited there. Many engineers and researcher, whose number exceed that we expected, visited our booth. The students could have a lot of opportunities to talk and discuss with them, which became a valuable experience for the students.
06 | 11 | 09 |
On 9th and 10th of this month, we made X-ray diffraction measurement for ultrananocrystalline diamond films at BL15 of Saga-LS. The measurement could be completed owing to cooperation from center staffs.
06 | 05 | 09 |
Last evening, we went to Dazaifu Shrine to view Japanese irises. Fortunately it was the first day of lighting up yesterday and old-style restaurants were opened. We could enjoyed viewing the irises and had a relax time having dinners. On the way to the campus we dropped by some place in Dazaifu and enjoyed appreciating fireflies flying in the dark. We have never seen such a large number of fireflies. It might be because it was warm and humid last evening. |
06 | 04 | 09 |
A softball game tournament was held by our department last Saturday. We have trained nearly every evening for this tournament, and graduates (Mr. Sakamoto and Mr. Nomoto) came along on the day. We are so sorry that we lost the quarterfinal match.
05 | 16 | 09 |
An open campus was held today. We introduced our researches and exhibited solar cell toys.
05 | 06 | 09 |
On May 2, all graduates of recent two years got together in the laboratory. We could freely talk the recent situations with each other. In the evening, the graduates took the students to a tavern near the campus and they spent a joyful time drinking beers.
04 | 17 | 09 | Last evening our laboratory held a welcome party at Asahi Beer Garden located in Hakata. We had a good time drinking beers and eating roasts. |
04 | 09 | 09 |
Today an entrance ceremony was held at Chikushi Hall in our campus. One and five students enter doctor's and master's courses. All the master's course students came from the other universities: Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) of Oman, Okayama University, Kagoshima University, Kumamoto National College of Technology, and Saga University.
04 | 03 | 09 |
K. Takeda (D3), K. Hanada (M2), S. Ohmagari (M1), K. Sakai (M1), K. Kawai (M1), and Yoshitake (AP) attended attended the 56th Spring Meeting 2008 of the Japan Society of Applied Physics held in University of Tsukuba. Our lab members had 5 presentations as a first author and enjoyed discussions. |
03 | 25 | 09 |
Yesterday a conferment ceremony was held. After that our laboratory opened a celebration party and congratulated their graduations. To our happiness, Mr. Nomoto receives an award from the department. We were very pleased with that. Owing to a warm winter, cherry blossoms have already opened. |
03 | 16 | 09 |
Our laboratory members went for a trip to Yufuin, which was a representative hot spring resort in Ohita prefecture. It took about ninety minutes from the campus to there by car. We enjoyed having delicious lunches and taking an outdoor hot spring bath at an old established hotel, and then walked around Yufuin. |
03 | 12 | 09 |
Last Monday, Kyushu University HVEM & Kyushu Synchrotron Light Research Center Joint Symposium was held at Centennial Hall of School of Medicine, Kyushu University . Yesterday and today, an annual accomplishment report meeting of Innovation Support Project promoted by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan was held at the same place. From our lab, Mr. Hanada (M2), Mr. Ohmagari (M1), and Ms. Sausan (RS) had poster presentations in both the meetings. We could attend a couple of social gatherings and get acquainted with various persons belonging to other organizations.
02 | 27 | 09 |
We went to Dazaifu Shrine to enjoy ume blossoms and pray for our success. Red ume blossoms were their best. It was so warm as compared to an ordinal year. Spring has come! |
02 | 26 | 09 |
On 24 and 25th of this month, we went to Kyushu Synchrotron Light Research Center and conducted the X-ray diffraction measurement with synchrotron radiation on ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD)/amorphous carbon composite at BL15 of the center. We successfully completed the measurement receiving accommodating supports by staffs of the center.
02 | 21 | 09 |
Last Thursday and Friday our department held a doctoral course entrance examination and master's thesis interviews. All M2 members excellently had presentations and discussions. Last evening, a dinner party was held in a campus to appreciate their efforts and successes.
02 | 14 | 09 |
Yesterday and the day before yesterday, we conducted the near-edge X-ray absorption fine-structure, and photoemission spectroscopy measurements with synchrotron radiation on boron- and nitrogen-doped ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD)/amorphous carbon composite films at BL12 of Kyushu Synchrotron Light Research Center. As we have gotten accustomed to treat the apparatus recently and stayed at the overnight accomosdation of the center, we could comfortably conduct the measurement. The master's thesis interview of our department comes close. Mr. Nakagawa (M2) made the final experiments for it.
02 | 06 | 09 |
Today, Mr. Kondo who graduated from our lab. last year visited as a recruiter from DENSO. He talked about his life in the enterprise company and current economical situation. The graduate students were encouraged by his zeal.
01 | 29 | 09 |
Mr. Kawai (M1) and Mr. Sakai (M1) received student presentation awards of an annual conference of Kyushu Chapter, the Japan Society of Applied Physics held at Miyazaki University last November. We congratulated their receiving the awards! Presentation Award (Kyushu Chapter of the Japan Society of Applied Physics) K. Kawai (coauthors: M. Shaban, M. Kondo, and T. Yoshitake) "Photovoltaic properties of n-type nanocrystalline FeSi2/intrinsic a-Si:H/p-type Si heterostructure "Presentation Award (Kyushu Chapter of the Japan Society of Applied Physics) K. Sakai (coauthors: K. Takeda, T. Yoshitake, Y. Sakamoto, M. Itakura, N. Kuwano, T. kajiwara, and K. Nagayama) "Effect of current injection and irradiation on the interlayer couplings of Fe3Si/FeSi2 artificial lattices"
01 |
25 |
09 |
Last Thursday, our department held a seminar in which 1st-year master's course students had presentations on their researches (oral presentation 9 min and discussion 5 min.) in front of professors and students of our department. Mr. Ohmagari Mr. Sakai, and Mr. kawai had the presentations. After this, the 1st-year students prepare himself for job hunting and 2nd-year students become very busy completing master theses. |
Department of Applied Science for Electronics and Materials, Kyushu University