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12/25/2010 updated
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12 | 18 | 10 |
Last evening we had a year-end dinner near the campus. We could have a joyful time together having beers and dishes. It was so busy this year.
12 | 13 | 10 |
2nd Semiconducting Materials and Devices Forum was held by Kumamoto College of Technology in Kumamoto last weekend (Dec 11-12, 2010). Mr. Sonoda (M1), Mr. Yamashita (M1), Mr. Hirakawa (M2), Mr. Yoshida (M2), and Mr. Ohmagari (D1), who are graduates from college of technologies, had presentations threre. Mr. Izumi (M2) additionally attended to study. To our happiness, Mr. Ohmagari's presentation was awarded.
Last Friday the fourth practical training of the SSH program was held in the afternoon. Grad school students gave lectures on elementally physical principles concerning photovoltaics to high school students.
12 | 04 | 10 |
It was the fourth day of the SSH program cooperated with Physics Club of Johnan High School today. High school students experienced the deposition of ohmic electrodes on pn-junctions by sputtering. In addition, they had a lecture on metal-semiconductor contact from grad school students.
11 | 30 | 10 | On November 27-28, the annual conference of Kyushu Chapter, the Japan Society of Applied Physics was held in Ito Campus of Kyushu University. From our laboratory, Ms. Sausan (M2), Mr. Suzuki (M2), Mr. Sonoda (M1), Mr. Yamashita (M1), Mr. Ichinose (M1), and Mr. Takasaki (M2), who belongs to Nakanishi Lab. of Fukuoka Inst. of Tech., had oral presentations. The other lab members attended and learned a lot. In the evening, we attended a banquet held in Tenjin of Fukuoka city and had a joyful time. |
11 | 24 | 10 |
Last week Mr. Ohmagari (D1) had one orral and two poster presentations in the 24th Diamond Symposium held by New Diamond Forum (Nov. 17-19, 2010, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan). To our happiness, His poster presentation on p-UNCD·a-C:H/n-Si heterojunction diodes was selected as a poster award. Ms. Sausan (M2) attended The 12th Cross Straits Symposium on Materials, Energy and Environment Sciences (Nov. 17 - 18, 2010, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea) and had a presentation. For our laboratory, it was terribly busy last week.
11 | 19 | 10 |
Last Wednesday Mr. Promros (D2) and today Mr. Hanada (D2) left Japan in order to have internships for 2-3 months in overseas universities. The internships are financially supported by the G-COE Program. It was the third practical training of the SSH program today. High school students experienced the evaluation of thin-film solar cells.
11 | 15 | 10 |
Last Thursday and Friday we evaluated UNCD/a-C:H and cubic AlN films by NEXAFS and PES at beamline 12 of the SAGA Light Source. We have measured NEXAFS spectra in total yield mode, however it was impossible for insulating samples to be measured. This time we measured the NEXAFS spectra of insulating cubic AlN thin films, which were heteroepitaxially grown on sapphire(0001) by reactive pulsed laser deposition, in luminescence mode. We successively measured owing to a staff of SAGA-LS.
Last Friday and Saturday the 6th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resource Sciences was held in our campus. Mr. Hanada (D2) and Ms. Sausan (M2) had presentations there. |
10 | 30 | 10 |
It was the third day of the SSH program cooperated with Johnan High School, Physics Club today. High school students experienced the preparation of thin films in a clean room, and had a lecture on the background and principle from grad school students.
Yesterday and the day before yesterday, we measured the X-ray diffraction patterns of doped ultrananocrystalline diamond/hydrogenated amorphous carbon composite films at beam line 15 of Saga Light Source. We could do well on the basis of our experiences.
Last week, Mr. Promros (D2) had oral and poster presentations at 3rd Regional Conference Interdisciplinary of Natural Resources and Materials Engineering held in Malaysia. He is a JICA scholarship student and the international conference was held by JICA.
10 | 24 | 10 |
Last Thursday and Friday, we measured near-edge X-ray absorption fine-structure (NEXAFS) and X-ray photoemission spectra at BL12 of Kyushu Synchrotron Light Research Center. The preparation of doped ultrananocrystalline diamond/hydrogenated amorphous carbon composite films for the measurements were well planed and the measurements were conducted successfully. We have ever measured NEXAFS spectra in total electron mode. Next month we are going to come again and measure in luminescence mode.
10 | 16 | 10 |
Mr. Promros (D2), Mr. Hirakawa (M2), Mr. Izumi (M2), Mr. Yoshida (M2), and Yoshitake (AP), together with Dr. Sumitani who is a researcher of SAGA-LS and have a collaborative research with our laboratory attended 63rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference and 7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas held in Paris on October 4-8, 2010. We had totally 13 presentations there. We could have a joyful travel in group. We felt that time slowed down there. It might be because we learned a lot!
09 | 22 | 10 |
Mr. Hanada (D2), Mr. Ohmagari (D1), and Mr. Sausan (M2) attended 21th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, and Nitrides held in Budapest on September 5-9, 2010, and and they had total 7 presentations. They seem to have enjoy the conference and travel. We have a lot of things to do. We will make an effort to progress the research step by step, and will attend also next year. |
09 | 11 | 10 |
Today, it was the second day of the SSH program cooperated with Johnan High School, Physics Club. From this time, we started to do experiments in addition to lectures. Today, we measured the Hall coefficients and electrical resistively of Si using a Hall effect measurement apparatus and the optical absorption spectra by a spectral photometer.
09 | 10 | 10 |
This evening, our laboratory held the briefing session of the Mr. Matsumura's internship. He had a presentation for 10 min and received questions. After that, the brief session was changed to a send-off party. We enjoyed talking having snacks and beers.
09 | 03 | 10 |
Today Mr. Mukae and Mr. Hara, who were graduated from our lab. in the year 2001, visited. Mr. Mukae is going to work in USA from next October, and he looked highly motivated. We are very glad and also proud of the graduate playing an active part in the company and society.
09 | 01 | 10 |
Last evening our laboratory opened an outdoor BBQ party. We welcomed Mr. Matsumura, who was a internship student from Ube national College of Technology. Mr. Iwasaki and Mr. Noda, who were going to enter our laboratory next spring, attended, and we could spend a joyful time together. Since three students are going to attend Diamond 2010 held in Budapest, the laboratory will be busily occupied.
08 | 30 | 10 |
Last Saturday it was the first day of SSH program with Physics Club of Johnan High School. Grad school students gave lectures on elementally physics concerning photovoltaics to high school students. From the next, we will start experiments.
08 | 09 | 10 |
Last evening, an annual summer festival in Kasuga city, which is called Andon-Matsuri, was held. There was a fireworks display in a public garden beside the campus. The area around the campus was so crowded with people viewing the fireworks. Since the festival was held on Sunday and students were absent, the campus was so silent this year. |
08 | 03 | 10 |
On 24-26th of last month, Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides and Related Materials was held in Tsukuba. From our laboratory, Mr. Promros (D1), Mr. S. Shota (M2), Mr. S. Shin-ichi (M2), and T. Yoshitake (AP) had presentations. We recognized that there are many things to do in our researches. We were highly motivated.
07 | 03 | 10 |
This morning we went to Collaboration Building in Hospital Campus and received a lecture on treating an e-beam lithography apparatus from Prof. K. Takahashi belonging to Dept. of Aero. and Astor. A microfabrication technique is indispensable for our recent researches.
07 | 02 | 10 |
It was the second day of the SSH program today. High school students experienced the fabrication of thin-film solar cells.
06 | 29 | 10 |
Last evening our laboratory opened a send-off party for Mr. Ohmagari (D1), who is going to have an internship at NIMS located in in Tsukuba, and celebration party for M2 students, who got informal job offers. Researchers belonging to Saga-LS came. We could have a joyful time together drinking beers.
06 | 18 | 10 |
This afternoon, students of Johnan High School visited our laboratory and received guidance concerning a practical training of SSH Program. Similarly to the training last year, our laboratory is going to have them experience the fabrications and evaluations of thin film solar cells.
06 | 17 | 10 |
Yesterday ultrananocrystalline diamond/hydrogenated amorphous carbon composite films were measured by x-ray diffraction at Kyushu Synchrotron Light Research Center (BL15). Since we have already gotten accustom to treat an apparatus, we could complete the measurement effectively.
06 | 14 | 10 |
Last Saturday our department held a softball game tournament. Our laboratory practiced nearly every evening for victory. Unfortunately, we were beaten in the semi-final. We could enjoy a fine day of spring.
06 | 09 | 10 |
This evening our laboratory members went to Dazaifu Shrine to view Japanese irises there. They are at their best and a lot of viewers visited. We had dinner viewing the flowers. The rainy season is just around the corner. |
06 | 06 | 10 |
Yesterday and the day before yesterday, we measured near-edge X-ray absorption fine-structure (NEXAFS) and X-ray photoemission spectra for ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD)/hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H) composite films at Kyushu Synchrotron Light Research Center. The evaluation of the chemical bonding structures here is indispensable for the research on UNCD/a-C:H composite films. Fortunately our research proposal was selected as a long period type this year.
06 | 01 | 10 |
This morning we visited Dazaifu Shrine to pray for our successes in the future. Japanese irises in a pond was hardly opened. They will be fully opened next week. |
05 | 15 | 10 |
An open campus was held last Saturday. We hold a booth entitled "Why is a solar cell able to generate electric power from solar light?", and exhibited solar cell toys for kids and panels on our researches for students. All experimental group members got together and additionally Mr. Sakai, who graduated last March, came from Nagasaki prefecture. We could have a nice day!
04 | 24 | 10 |
Our laboratory opened a welcome party for new students at Asahi Beer Garden located in Hakata last evening. We had a joyful time drinking fresh beers produced there and eating roasts.
04 | 09 | 10 |
Today an entrance ceremony was held. New one and four students enter doctor's and master's courses. All the master's course students came from the other universities: Nagasaki University, Ariake national College of Technology, Miyakonojo National College of Technology, and Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications in China.
03 | 30 | 10 |
In our campus, cherry blossoms are fully opened. New leaves have come out in trees that had released al the leaves last autumn. |
03 | 26 | 10 |
Yesterday conferment ceremonies were held in grad school and department. After that our laboratory opened a celebration party. To our happiness, Mr. Ohmagari (M2) received an award from the grad school since he graduates top of the department.
03 | 24 | 10 |
Our laboratory took a trip to Aso in Kumamoto prefecture and Takachiho in Miyazaki prefecture. Beautiful sceneries of nature refreshed us. After taking a hot spring, we enjoyed dinner drinking beers. On the second day, we visited famous shrines in Takachiho. Takachiho is a place of Japanese myth. We learned the history in detail.
03 | 22 | 10 |
We attended Spring Meeting of Japan Society of Applied Physics held at Shonan Campus of Tokai University on March 17-20. From our laboratory, Mr. Hanada (D1), Mr. Ohmagari (M2), Mr. Izumi (M1), Mr. Hirakawa, and Dr. Sumitani, who belongs to Saga-Ls and a coauthor of a research, have oral presentations. We could receive strict and valuable comments in the presentations. They make us notice important points in the researches and also motivate us.
03 | 08 | 10 |
Last Friday, the very last lecture of Prof. Miyoshi and an anniversary workshop wherein his graduates had lectures was held in the campus. In the evening, a celebration party was held at a center of Fukuoka City. Many graduates got together to see him and celebrate the retirement. We recalled the good old days that we spent together.
02 | 19 | 10 |
Last Wednesday and Thursday our department held a doctoral course entrance examination and master's thesis interviews. All the M2 members had presentations on their research. In the evening of the last day, a dinner party was held in a restaurant in the campus to appreciate their efforts and successes.
02 | 12 | 10 |
Mr. Ohmagari (M2) and Mr. Hirakawa (M1) received presentation awards in an annual conference of Kyushu Chapter, the Japan Society of Applied Physics held at Kumamoto University last November. The certificates were delivered from the society. We congratulated them. ”Fabrication of p-type ultrananocrystalline diamond/hydrogenated amorphous
carbon films by boron-doping and their applications to photovoltaics” ”Current-induced magnetization switching in Fe3Si/nanocrystalline FeSi2/Fe3Si trilayers” S. Hirakawa, K. Sakai, K. Takeda, T. Yoshitake, and K. Nagayama We have recently known that Ms. Sausan's poster presentation was selected as a poster award in The 3rd International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resource Sciences (Fukuoka, November 2-3). We realized that her efforts were rewarded. "X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopies
of Nitrogen-doped UNCD/a-C:H Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition"
01 |
29 |
10 |
Today, Mr. Kondo, who graduated from our laboratory two years ago, visited our campus as a recruiter of DENSO Corp. and dropped by the laboratory. He took his wife and introduced her to laboratory members. We were very glad to know that everything goes well to him. |
01 |
23 |
10 |
Last Thursday our department held a seminar in which 1st-year master's course (M1) students had presentations on their researches (oral presentation 9 min and discussion 5 min.) in front of professors and students of our department. From our lab., Ms. Sausan, Mr. Izumi, Mr. Suzuki, Mr. Yoshida, and Mr. Hirakawa had presentations. After the seminar, a chief of the department explained job hunting rules for all the M1 students. They will be so busy from this. |
Department of Applied Science for Electronics and Materials, Kyushu University