第14回 半導体材料・デバイスフォーラム, 2023年12月9日, 九州工業大学情報工学部

Comparative study of photoelectrical properties of p-Si/n-TZO and p-Si/n-TTZO heterojunction UV photodetectors
C.Y. Tsay, K.H. Liao, P. Sittimart, S. MyloValappil, T. Yoshitake
The 8th Asian Applied Physics Conference, Nov 25-26, 2023, Kyushu University Ito Campus
oral, 26Ep-1

Super-Hard Eco-Friendly Nanodiamond Composite (NDC) Coatings for Sustainable Machining
Mohamed Ragab Diab*1,2, Mohamed Egiza*2,3, Koki Murasawa1,4, Hiroshi Naragino1, and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake*1
The 8th Asian Applied Physics Conference, Nov 25-26, 2023, Kyushu University Ito Campus
oral, 26Dp-10

Property of CO2 Reduction Reaction Using Nitrogen-doped Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Electrodes
Satoki Nagano, Lama Osman, Hiroshi Naragino, and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake, Abdelrahman Zkria
The 8th Asian Applied Physics Conference, Nov 25-26, 2023, Kyushu University Ito Campus
oral, 26Dp-9

Enhanced Biocompatibility of Optimal Biased Quenched-Produced Diamond Films on Ti via Coaxial Arc Plasma Deposition
Lama Osman, Hiroshi Naragino, Abdelrahman Zkria , Ikiru Atsuta, Yasunori Ayukawa , Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
The 8th Asian Applied Physics Conference, Nov 25-26, 2023, Kyushu University Ito Campus
oral, 26Dp-3

Polystyrene Modified Membranes Using Polyaniline-ZnO Composite Nanoparticles and its Application in Dye Removal
Atusaye G. Sichali, Hussien Noby, Hiroshi Naragino, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake, *Ahmed H. El-Shazly*
The 8th Asian Applied Physics Conference, Nov 25-26, 2023, Kyushu University Ito Campus
oral, invited, 25Cp-1

綿谷 敦志, 牧 謙汰, Sreenath Mylo Valappil, 堺 研一郎, 大曲 新矢, 吉武 剛
応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会 〜支部設立70周年記念大会〜/The 8th Asian Applied Physics Conference, 2023年11月25-26日、九州大学伊都キャンパスセンターゾーン
oral, 5Da-3

尖端放電型プラズマ CVD 法を用いたダイヤモンド成長における CO2 添加の影響評価
桂 健斗, 笹栗 優, 大曲 新矢, 吉武 剛, 蔭浦 泰資
応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会 〜支部設立70周年記念大会〜/The 8th Asian Applied Physics Conference, 2023年11月25-26日、九州大学伊都キャンパスセンターゾーン
oral, 25Ca-1

笹栗優, 蔭浦泰資, Phongsaphak Sittimart2, Valappil Mylo Sreenath, 吉武剛, 大曲新矢
応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会 〜支部設立70周年記念大会〜/The 8th Asian Applied Physics Conference, 2023年11月25-26日、九州大学伊都キャンパスセンターゾーン
oral, 25Ap-3

笹栗優,Phongsaphak Sittimart,石地耕太朗,蔭浦泰資,吉武剛,大曲新矢
第37回ダイヤモンドシンポジウム, 2023年11月14日(火)~16日(木) 東海大学湘南キャンパス
poster, P1-07

第37回ダイヤモンドシンポジウム, 2023年11月14日(火)~16日(木) 東海大学湘南キャンパス
poster, P2-04

第1回IV族材料・デバイス研究会, 10月21日(土)九大総理工(筑紫キャンパス) CIC棟3F研修室

第1回IV族材料・デバイス研究会, 10月21日(土)九大総理工(筑紫キャンパス) CIC棟3F研修室

Effects of Target-Substrate Distance on Growth and Mechanical Characteristics of Nanodiamond Composite Coatings Fabricated by Coaxial Arc Plasma Deposition on WC-Co Substrate
Mohamed Ragab Diab, Mohamed Egiza, Koki Murasawa, Hiroshi Naragino, and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
The 9th International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES 2023), October 19-20, 2023, Kyushu University, Fukuoka City, Japan.
oral, Presentation Award

長野 里基、Lama Osman、Abdelrahman Zkria、楢木野 宏、吉武 剛

綿谷 敦志、牧 謙汰、Sreenath Mylo Valappil、堺 研一郎、大曲 新矢、吉武 剛

Electrochemical property of ultrananocrysttalline diamond thin films deposited by coaxial arc plasma deposition
Satoki Nagano, Hiroshi Naragino, Hiroki Hashiguchi, Lama Osman, Abdelrahman Zkria, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
33rd International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, 10-14 September 2023, Palau de Congressos de Palma, Mallorca, Spain

High breakdown voltage (> 500 V) of diamond Schottky barrier diodes fabricated on heteroepitaxial diamond (100) substrates
Yu Sasaguri, Taisuke Kageura, Phongsaphak Sittimart, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake, Shinya Ohmagari
33rd International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, 10-14 September 2023, Palau de Congressos de Palma, Mallorca, Spain

Application of diamond in thermal-stable and radiation-proof electronics
Phongsaphak Sittimart
4th International conference of Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering, 17-18 July 2023 Egypt Japan University of Science and Technology, Alexandria, Egypt.
in hybrid
invited speaker

Growth of Quenched-produced Diamond on Titanium for Biomedical Applications
Abdelrahman Zkria
4th International conference of Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering, 17-18 July 2023 Egypt Japan University of Science and Technology, Alexandria, Egypt.
in hybrid
invited speaker

Physical vapor deposition of nanodiamond films and their applications
Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
4th International conference of Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering, 17-18 July 2023 Egypt Japan University of Science and Technology, Alexandria, Egypt.
in hybrid
Keynote lecture

楢木野 宏、長野 里基、橋口 寛生、吉武 剛

Influence of negative bias voltages on mechanical and structural properties of nanodiamond composite films on Ti substrates
Lama Osman Mohamed、Abdelrahman Zkria、Ali M Ali、Hiroshi Naragino、Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023, March 15-18, 2023, Yotsuya Campus, Sophia University + online

Application of nanosecond laser annealing to diamond materials
Abdelrahman Zkria Ahmed、Eslam Abubakr、Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023, March 15-18, 2023, Yotsuya Campus, Sophia University + online

Low Specific Contact Resistance Nanocarbon Ohmic Contacts Fabricated by Coaxial Arc Plasma Deposition on Semiconducting Diamonds and Their Device Applications
Sreenath Mylo Valappil、Shinya Ohmagari、Abdelrahman Zkria、Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023, March 15-18, 2023, Yotsuya Campus, Sophia University + online


Growth of heavily boron-doped diamond films on heteroepitaxial substrates
Y. Sasaguri, T. Kageura, T. Yoshitake, S. Ohmagari
The 7th Asian Applied Physics Conference、Nov 26-27, 2022, Oita University

Fabrication of Nitrogen-doped Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Electrodes on Titanium Substrates Using Interlayer
Satoki Nagano, Hiroki Hashiguchi1, Lama Osman, Hiroshi Naragino, Abdelrahman Zkria, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
The 7th Asian Applied Physics Conference、Nov 26-27, 2022, Oita University

Impedance Characteristics at Different Temperatures for p-Type Si/n-Type NC-FeSi2 Heterojunctions
Nattakorn Borwornpornmetee, Patsagorn Rungratsamepat, Adisorn Nopparuchikun, Nathaporn Promros, Boonchoat Paosawatyanyong, Phongsaphak Sittimart, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
The 7th Asian Applied Physics Conference、Nov 26-27, 2022, Oita University

Performance improvement in Ga2O3 solar-blind deep UV photodetectors using asymmetric interdigitated contacts
H. M. Tsai, C. Y. Tsay, P. Sittimart, T. Yoshitake
The 7th Asian Applied Physics Conference、Nov 26-27, 2022, Oita University

Unidirectionally-oriented growth of β-Ga2O3 Thin Films on diamond (100) by RF magnetron sputtering
Takafumi Kusaba, Phongsaphak Sittimart, Hiroshi Naragino, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake, Yuki Katamune, Shinya Ohmagari
The 7th Asian Applied Physics Conference、Nov 26-27, 2022, Oita University

Durability for Electrochemical Corrosion of Conductive Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Electrodes Prepared by Coaxial Arc Plasma Deposition
Hiroki Hashiguchi, Satoki Nagano, Hiroshi Naragino, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
The 7th Asian Applied Physics Conference、Nov 26-27, 2022, Oita University

Visible-light photodetection of N-doped diamond via charge neutralized impurity levels for harsh-environmental implementations
Phongsaphak Sittimart, Shiya Ohmagari, Hiroya Nakahara, Hitoshi Umezawa, Hiromitsu Kato, Norio Tokuda, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
The 7th Asian Applied Physics Conference、Nov 26-27, 2022, Oita University
26Da-YPL1, young plenary

牧 謙汰、荒巻 枚希、濵崎 健、吉武 剛、堺 研一郎、大曲 新矢、田部井 哲夫
2022 年(令和4年度)応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 7th Asian Applied Physics Conference、2022 年11 月26 日(土) ~ 27 日(日)、大分大学旦野原キャンパス

堺 研一郎、牧 謙汰、中村 倫人、,田部井 哲夫、西嶋 雅彦、吉武 剛
2022 年(令和4年度)応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 7th Asian Applied Physics Conference、2022 年11 月26 日(土) ~ 27 日(日)、大分大学旦野原キャンパス

RF マグネトロンスパッタ法によるダイヤモンド(100)基板上へのβ-Ga2O3薄膜の一軸配向成長
綿谷 敦志、Sittimart Phongsaphak、楢木野 宏、片宗 優貴、大曲 新矢、吉武 剛
2022 年(令和4年度)応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 7th Asian Applied Physics Conference、2022 年11 月26 日(土) ~ 27 日(日)、大分大学旦野原キャンパス

中原 大哉、楢木野 宏、吉武 剛、大曲 新矢
2022 年(令和4年度)応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 7th Asian Applied Physics Conference、2022 年11 月26 日(土) ~ 27 日(日)、大分大学旦野原キャンパス

齊藤 誠志郎、モハメド アリ、村澤 功基、楢木野 宏、吉武 剛
2022 年(令和4年度)応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 7th Asian Applied Physics Conference、2022 年11 月26 日(土) ~ 27 日(日)、大分大学旦野原キャンパス

長野 里基,橋口寛生,楢木野宏,Abdelrahman Zkia,吉武剛

RFマグネトロンスパッタ法によるダイヤモンド (100)基板上へのβ-Ga2O3薄膜の⼀軸配向成長
草場 崇史、Sittimart Phongsaphak、楢木野 宏、片宗 優貴、大曲 新矢、吉武 剛

橋口 寛生、長野 里基、楢木野 宏、吉武 剛
oral、 22p-A202-9、on-site

齊藤 誠志郎、アリ モハメド、村澤 功基、楢木野 宏、吉武 剛

Alternative Carbon-based Ohmic Electrodes for Phosphorus-doped Diamond-electronics Applications
Sreenath Mylo Valappil、Shinya Ohmagari、Abdelrahman Zkria、Phongsaphak Sittimart、Eslam Abubakr、Hiromitsu Kato、Tsuyoshi Yoshitake

楢木野 宏、橋口 寛生、長野 里基、吉武 剛

Characterization of Killer Defects in Schottky Barrier Diodes Fabricated on Heteroepitaxial Diamond Substrates
Phongsaphak Sittimart, Tomoki Iwao, Ryohei Yamaguchi, Hitoshi Umezawa, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake and Shinya Ohmagari
7th International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials (AFM2022), July 25-28, 2022, Poster, (submitted)

第19回Cat-CVD研究会,産業技術総合研究所九州センター+オンライン,2022年7月14, 15日
poster, P11

poster, EC-4-010

Large-Area (> 1 mm) Diamond Schottky Barrier Diodes with Low Leakage Current
Phongsaphak Sittimart, Tomoki Iwao, Ryohei Yamaguchi, Hitoshi Umezawa, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake and Shinya Ohmagari
15th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons (NDNC) 2022, Kanazawa Bunka Hall, Japan, June 5-9, 2022.
oral, I-08-02

Negative Bias Voltage Enhanced Growth and Mechanical Properties of Nanodiamond Composite Films Deposited by CAPD
Ali Mohamed Ali Abdelgawad, Kouki Murasawa, Hiroaki Sugita, Seishiro Saito, Hiroshi Naragino, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
15th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons (NDNC) 2022, Kanazawa Bunka Hall, Japan, June 5-9, 2022.
oral, II-09-04

Nanodiamond composite film deposited on Titanium substrates using Coaxial Arc Plasma gun for implant applications
Lama Osman Abdelbaset, Ali Abdelgawad, Eslam Abubakr, Abdelrahman Zkria, Hiroshi Naragino, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
15th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons (NDNC) 2022, Kanazawa Bunka Hall, Japan, June 5-9, 2022.
poster, 7A-32

Nanocarbon Electrodes Fabricated by Coaxial Arc Plasma Deposition for Phosphorus-doped Diamond Electronics Application.
Sreenath Mylo Valappil, Shinya Ohmagari, Abdelrahman Zkria, Phongasaphak Sittimart, Eslam Abubakar, Hiromatsu Kato, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
15th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons (NDNC) 2022, Kanazawa Bunka Hall, Japan, June 5-9, 2022.
poster, 8P-19

Effective Charge Collection in Diamond Detectors Through Direct OhmicContact Writing by Nanosecond Laser Irradiation
Eslam N. H. ABUBAKR, Shinya Ohmagari, Abdelrahman Zkria, Hiroshi Ikenoue, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
15th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons (NDNC) 2022, Kanazawa Bunka Hall, Japan, June 5-9, 2022.
oral, I-04-03

Thermally Stable and Radiation-Proof Visible-Light Photodetectors Made from N-Doped Diamond
Phongsaphak Sittimart, Tomoki Iwao, Hitoshi Umezawa, Hiromitsu Kato, Norio Tokuda, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake and Shinya Ohmagari
15th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons (NDNC) 2022, Kanazawa Bunka Hall, Japan, June 5-9, 2022.
poster, 7A-19

Fabrication of Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Electrodes on Titanium Substrates by Coaxial Arc Plasma Deposition
Hiroshi Naragino, Hiroki Hashiguchi, Lama Abdelbaset, Abdelrahman Zkria, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
15th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons (NDNC) 2022, Kanazawa Bunka Hall, Japan, June 5-9, 2022.
poster, 8P-31


Solvothermally Prepared Slag Nanocomposite as a catalyst for Organic dye Photodegradation
Kingsley Safo, Hussien Noby, Mitsuhara Matatoshi, Hiroshi Naragino, and Ahmed H. El-Shazly
The 12th International Conference on Key Engineering Materials (ICKEM 2022), March 18-20, 2022, University of Udine, Udine, Italy, Oral (online).

Kyushu Univerity: Supporting activities of E-JUST center and Research of Nanaodiamond
Abdelrahman Zkria
One day Workshop (E-JUST, BUE), Jan. 24, 2022, Britich University in Egypt (BUE), Oral (online, keynote speech).


窒素ドープ超ナノ微結晶ダイヤモンド電極の作製と CO2還元特性


p-Type diamond/n-type β-Ga2O3 heterojunctions fabricated using direct-bonding technique
Phongsaphak Sittimart, Shinya Ohmagari, Takashi Matsumae, Hitoshi Umezawa, and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
2021 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Dec 6 - 8, 2021, (online).

S. Saito,A. M. Ali1,M. Egiza,K. Murasawa,H. Sugita,T. Deckert-Gaudig,Volker Deckrt, and T. Yoshitake
2021年応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 6th Asian Applied Physics Conference (Asian-APC), Dec. 4-5, 2021, Oral (online).

2021年応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 6th Asian Applied Physics Conference (Asian-APC), Dec. 4-5, 2021, Oral (online).

岩尾友貴,大曲新矢,Sittimart Phongsaphak,吉武剛
2021年応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 6th Asian Applied Physics Conference (Asian-APC), Dec. 4-5, 2021, Oral (online).

Influence of Negative Bias Frequency on Deposition Processes and Structural Properties of Deposited Nanodiamond Composite Film
Ali Mohamed Ali, Koki Murasawa, Hiroaki Sugita, and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
2021年応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 6th Asian Applied Physics Conference (Asian-APC), Dec. 4-5, 2021, Oral (online).

PVD nanodiamond composite hard coatings for cutting tools application: structural, mechanical, and tribological properties
Mohamed Egiza, Ali Mohamed Ali, Koki Murasawa, Lama Abdelbaset, Hiroshi Naragino, and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
2021年応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 6th Asian Applied Physics Conference (Asian-APC), Dec. 4-5, 2021, Oral (online, invited).

Direct contact-writing to diamond through nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation
Eslam Abubakr, Shinya Ohmagari, Abdelrahman Zkria, Hiroshi Ikenoue, and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
2021年応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 6th Asian Applied Physics Conference (Asian-APC), Dec. 4-5, 2021, Oral (online).

Nanodiamond composite film coated on Titanium substrates by Arc Plasma Deposition for biomedical applications
Lama Osman, Abdelrahman Zkria, Hiroshi Naragino, and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
2021年応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 6th Asian Applied Physics Conference (Asian-APC), Dec. 4-5, 2021, Oral (online).

2021年応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 6th Asian Applied Physics Conference (Asian-APC), Dec. 4-5, 2021, Oral (online).

2021年応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 6th Asian Applied Physics Conference (Asian-APC), Dec. 4-5, 2021, Oral (online).

2021年(令和3年度)応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 5th Asian Applied Physics Conference (Asian-APC),2021 年12月4 日(土) ~ 5 日(日),オンライン開催

草場 崇史、Phongsaphak Sittimart、楢木野 宏、Abdelrahman Zkria、大曲 新矢、吉武 剛
2021年(令和3年度)応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会/The 6th Asian Applied Physics Conference(Asian-APC)、2021年12月4日(土)~5日(日)、オンライン開催

第21回日本中性子科学会年会 2021年12月1日~12月3日, オンライン開催、ポスター

Thermal stability of nanodiamond composite films coated on Silicon and Tungsten carbide substrates by arc plasma deposition method
Abdelrahman Zkria, Eslam Abubakr, Ali Mohamed, and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
International Thin Films Conference, National Taipei University of Technology (TACT 2021), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 15-18, 2021, Oral (online).

Evaluation of N-type nanodiamond films deposited on p-type silicon for optoelectronic applications
Abdelrahman Zkria, and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
International Thin Films Conference, National Taipei University of Technology (TACT 2021), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 15-18, 2021, Poster (online).

Ultrananocrystalline diamond film coated on Titanium substrates by Arc Plasma Deposition Technique for biomedical applications
Lama Osman, Abdelrahman Zkria, Hiroshi Naragino and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
International Thin Films Conference, National Taipei University of Technology (TACT 2021), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 15-18, 2021, Oral (online).

Impact of Laser-Induced Graphitization on Diamond Schottky Barrier Diodes
Tomoki Iwao, Shinya Ohmagari, Sittimart Phongsaphak and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
The 6th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2021), Nov. 9-12, 2021, (online).

Applications of Nano-diamond films deposited by coaxial arc plasma deposition method
Abdelrahman Zkria
7th International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES 2021), Oct. 21-22, 2021, Chikushi Hall, Kyushu University, Oral (keynote speech).

Structural and physical characterization of nanodiamond composite thin films synthesized by pulsed-laser ablation method (a review)
Lama Osman, Abdelrahman Zkria, and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
7th International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES 2021), Oct. 21-22, 2021, Kyushu University, Oral.

Characterization of X-Ray Radiation Hardness of Diamond Schottky Barrier Diodes up to 10 MGy
Phongsaphak Sittimart, Shinya Ohmagari, Tomoki Iwao, Hitoshi Umezawa, and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
The International Union of Materials Research Societies - International Conference in Asia 2021 (IUMRS-ICA 2021), Oct. 3-8, 2021, (online)

X-Ray Radiation Hardness of Diamond Schottky Barrier Diodes up to 10 MGy
Phongsaphak Sittimart, Shinya Ohmagari, Tomoki Iwao, Hitoshi Umezawa, and Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
31st International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials (ICDC2021), Sep. 6-9, 2021, (online).

Nano-diamond films deposited by coaxial arc plasma and their wide applications
Abdelrahman Zkria
3rd International conference of Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering (ICCEEE 2021), July 27-28, 2021, Oral (online).

Nanodiamond films prepared by Physical vapor deposition and their applications
Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
3rd International conference of Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering, 27-28 July 2021, ONLINE.
[Keynote lecture]

Magnetic structural analysis in [Fe3Si/FeSi2]20 superlattice using polarized neutron reflectivity,
Takayasu Hanashima, Jun-ichi Suzuki, Kazuhisa Kakurai, Noboru Miyata, Ken-ichiro Sakai, Hiroyuki Deguchi, Yoshiaki Hara, Satoshi Takeichi and
Tsuyoshi Yoshitake
Polarized Neutrons for Condensed-Matter Investigations (PNCMI) July 27-30, 2021, poster, (online, submitted)

Structural properties and adhesion enhanced of Nanodiamond Composite Films Deposited on Si Substrates at Room Temperature by Employing Buffer Layer
A. Mohamed Ali, M. Egiza, K. Murasawa, H. Sugita, Y. Fukui, H. Gonda, M. Sakurai, and T. Yoshitake
International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons 2020/2021 (NDNC2020/2021), June 7-9, 2021, (online).

Nanosecond pulsed laser treatments of diamond like carbon, nanodiamond composite and singlecrystalline diamond
A. Z. Ahmed, E. N. Abubakr, M. B. Egiza, A. Haque, J. Narayan, and T. Yoshitake
International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons 2020/2021 (NDNC2020/2021), June 7-9, 2021, (online).

Direct Printing of Low-Resistance Ohmic Contacts to p-type Diamond (100) Through Nanosecond Excimer Laser Irradiation
E. N. H. Abubakr, S. Ohmagari, A. Zkria, Y. Katamune, H. Ikenoue, and T. Yoshitake
International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons 2020/2021 (NDNC2020/2021), June 7-9, 2021, (online).

Polishing of Polycrystalline Diamond Films on WC-Co by KrF-Laser-Induced Surface Modification
Y. Katamune, K. Murasawa, T. Kikuchi, T. Yoshitake, and H. Ikenoue
International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons 2020/2021 (NDNC2020/2021), June 7-9, 2021, (online).

Mechanical and structural properties of Si doped nanodiamond composite coatings deposited on cemented carbide
H. Naragino, M. Egiza, H. Ohue, A. M. Ali, K. Murasawa, H. Sugita, Y. Fukui, H. Gonda, M. Sakurai, and T. Yoshitake
International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons 2020/2021 (NDNC2020/2021), June 7-9, 2021, (online).

Improved Uniformity and Breakdown Strength of Schottky Barrier Diodes Fabricated on Diamond Heteroepitaxial Substrates
PHONGSAPHAK Sittimart、Shinya Ohmagari、Tsuyoshi Yoshitake

大曲 新矢、Phongsaphak Sittimart、吉武 剛、山田 英明

堺 研一郎、奥山 哲也、三木 弘史、村上 秀樹、濱崎 健、荒巻 枚希、大曲 新矢、田部井 哲夫、吉武 剛


Device Science and Engineering Major, Department of Engineering Science
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences (IGSES), Kyushu University